By-Laws & Rules of Conduct

  1. The HangOut Hive is a social group for high functioning and independent adults with learning disabilities aged 21 years of age and over
  2. Membership requires that you complete the registration form, pass the interview, and pay a $25.00 Annual Membership Fee, payable in cash to the HOH Treasurer, via credit card on the website or check made out to LDAMC. Only Members can attend events unless someone is invited by a member (Guest). Dues are payable upon receipt of an e-mail notification from the HOH Treasurer
  3. A prospective member (Guest) can only come to an event or meeting once (1 time) before having to become a member to attend any future events.  The member who is inviting them, needs to attend the event or meeting at the same time as their guest.
  4. If a member lapses their membership but at a later date wants to return to the group, they do not have to be interviewed; but they need to sign-up again
  5. If a member does not pay their membership fee by the end of the month after it is due (30 days), their membership expires. They will not be able to attend any events or participate in any HOH activities. They will be considered “in-active” and will be removed from the website and e-mail distribution list.
  6. The HangOutHive group was created for members to come together. Therefore, if a member does not attend three (3) meetings in a row they will be classified as IN-ACTIVE
Conduct within the HangOut Hive
  1. Confidentiality – All information within the HangOut Hive meeting is considered Confidential
  2. There will be no drugs or alcoholic beverages consumed at HangOut Hive Events
  3. No vaping or smoking is allowed with the proximity of a HOH meeting or event. 
  4. All members will treat other members with respect and kindness: No harassment, threats of violence, no retaliation nor discrimination will be tolerated. Any action or communication showing disrespect and causing fear and/or humiliation will result in that member being removed from the group*
    * NOTE: Should the HOH Leadershhip Team conclude a member has violated this paragraph despite warnings to modify any behavior, then the HOH President will request another opinion of the grievance from the LDAMC Liaison who will discuss with the LDAMC President.  If the LDAMC President supports the HOH President’s recommendation, then the offending member will be notified. They may be removed from the group on a temporary or permanent basis depending on the issue(s). The offending member may appeal the decision to the full LDAMC Board of Directors
  1. All voting shall be done by secret ballot with the winners announced at the meeting
  2. Voting for Officers will be done at an annual meeting normally held in August and there will be an election once a year
    * 1st month July – Selection of the names of Candidates running for Office to be put on the Slate.
      * Nominations are open for the entire months and close on July 31st or before the election meeting.
      * To be on the slate to become a Leadershhip Team member, you need to be an active member [Membership #6]  for 6 months or longer AND have no documented conduct warnings [Conduct #3] as well as dues paid in full [Membership #2].
    * 2nd month August – Election is held at the beginning of the August meeting. August meeting is closed to guests except for those who join the Hive at the meeting.
      * All candidates who are running for elections must be present at the August meeting.
      * Everyone who wants to vote must be present at the August meeting.
      * Candidate running for president must submit a platform. A platform is a short speech detailing why they are running and what they plan to do if elected. It is optional for the other positions.
      * There will be no voting done by e-mail for elections; but secret on-line voting is permitted via the official HOH website
      * Board terms last for one year, effective at the end of the August meeting to August of the next year.
      * New board immediately takes control after meeting concludes.
  3. As a member in the HangOut Hive, a person cannot use participation in their personal business as a promise of membership in the HangOut Hive Social Group. Additionally, a person cannot promote their business or business email in the HangOut Hive that includes also on the Evites or personal Email or on the Phone or Text, or on Clothing to any Member(s)
  4. The President, Vice President, Treasurer/Sectretary will be considered the Officers of the group and may modify the roles and responsibilites of the Leadership Team
  5. All By-Law changes shall only be enacted after passage by the group at a meeting via a balloted vote
  6. Event Chair-Person has the overall responsibility to ensure all event logistics (date/time, place, description, reservations) are adequate for the group
  7. The Event Chair-Person is assisted by the Event Assistant Leader
  8. Invitations to an event shall include all active members
  9. If a member wishes to invite a guest to an event, let the host know on the RSVP and then provide the name of the guest
  10. When a member invites a guest to an event they can only invite them once. After the event, the guest must decide to become a member if they wish to attend future events